Learning the Apache Commons Pool library is essential for efficient resource management in today’s software development, as it can significantly improve the performance of your applications.
This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the concepts, configuration, and practical usage of this powerful library through clear explanations and illustrative code snippets
After going through this tutorial, you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to implement Apache Commons Pool for robust and scalable resource management.

Overview of Apache Commons Pool Library

As applications grow in complexity and scale, managing resources efficiently becomes critical.
Apache Commons Pool offers a robust solution for pooling resources, enabling your application to improve performance by reusing objects rather than constantly allocating and deallocating memory.
This not only reduces the overhead associated with object creation but also enhances the responsiveness of your application.

Whether you’re implementing an object pool for generic objects, a connection pool for database connections, or even a thread pool for concurrent tasks, this library provides the tools and abstractions needed to achieve optimal performance and resource management.

Architecture and Components

All resource pooling libraries require a solid architecture to manage the complexities of object lifecycle, allocation, and deallocation.
In the case of the Apache Commons Pool library, the architecture is designed to provide a clean, efficient, and extendable system for managing pooled resources.

The primary interface of the Apache Commons Pool library is the ObjectPool.
This interface defines the operations for managing a pool of objects.
You can think of it as the main conductor of your resource orchestra, ensuring that objects are borrowed and returned efficiently while maintaining control over their lifecycle.
It has methods such as addObject(), borrowObject(), returnObject() etc.
Depending on your requirements, you can implement different types of pools, such as object pools for reusable objects or connection pools for database connections.

Another important component is the PooledObjectFactory.
This factory is responsible for creating and initializing objects that will reside in your pool.
It handles the instantiation, configuration, and destruction of the objects you will be pooling.
With your own implementation of this factory, you can customize how objects are created and returned to the pool.

When you borrow an object from the pool, the library uses the Borrower and Lender concepts to ensure smooth transactions.
The Borrower requests an object while the Lender is responsible for managing the object’s return back to the pool.
This creates a clean separation of concerns and makes it easier for you to manage concurrent access to resources without manual locking or synchronization.

Additionally, there are optional components such as the PoolableObjectFactory, which extends the capabilities of the basic object factory, and EvictionPolicy, which helps you manage when and how objects should be removed from the pool based on specific conditions.
Customizing these components allows you to create a pool that optimally matches your application’s requirements, improving performance and reliability.

Configuration and Setup

To add the library to your project, add following dependency in your project as per your build tool(such as Maven and Gradle).

<!-- MAVEN -->

implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:2.12.0'

Apache Commons Pool library provides a range of configuration options that allow you to customize the behavior of your object pool based on your application’s specific needs.
Understanding these options will help you manage your resources effectively.
Below are some of the key configuration parameters and their functionalities.

Configuration OptionDescription
Min Idle ObjectsThe minimum number of objects to keep in the pool at all times.
This helps to ensure that your application has objects readily available.
Max Active ObjectsThe maximum number of objects that can be borrowed from the pool at any time.
This prevents overloading the system.
Idle TimeoutThe time period after which idle objects will be removed from the pool if not used.
This helps in resource management and frees up unused objects.
Eviction PolicyA strategy for determining which objects should be removed from the pool when it exceeds its limit or when certain conditions are met.

Apache Commons Pool Example

Now we will understand how to use Apache Commons Pool for object pooling with an example step by step.

1. Defining Pool Objects

First step is to define the objects that will be managed by the pool.
These objects may be database connection objects, Socket objects or any of your custom objects that you want to be managed by Apache Commons Pool.
Below is a Connection class whose objects will be contained in the pool

public class Connection {
  // Simulated connection class
  public void connect() {
    // connection logic 
    System.out.println("Connection established.");
  public void disconnect() {
    System.out.println("Connection closed.");

2. Creating Object Factory

Next step is to create a factory that defines how the pool objects will be created, destroyed etc.
The factory should contain various methods that define the logic to create objects, destroy them, validate them.

The following are some of its key methods:

A. makeObject()

Used to create a new object that will be added to the pool. It is called when the pool needs to grow or when an object is requested but none are available.

B. destroyObject()

Used to destroy an object that is no longer needed by the pool. It is called when an object is removed from the pool or when the pool is closed.

C. validateObject()

Used to validate an object before it is returned to the caller. It checks whether the object is still valid and can be reused.

D. activateObject()

Used to activate an object before it is returned to the caller. It is called after an object has been borrowed from the pool.

E. passivateObject()

Used to passivate an object after it has been returned to the pool. It is called after an object has been returned to the pool.

Here’s an example of how you might implement a simple factory

public class MyObjectFactory implements PooledObjectFactory<Connection> {
  public PooledObject makeObject() throws Exception {
    return new DefaultPooledObject<>(new Connection());

  public void destroyObject(PooledObject<Connection> pooledObject) 
                             throws Exception {
    // Custom destruction logic

  public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<Connection> pooledObject) {
    // Validation logic
    return true; 

  public void activateObject(PooledObject<Connection> pooledObject) 
                              throws Exception {
    // Logic to prepare the object for use

  public void passivateObject(PooledObject<Connection> pooledObject) 
                               throws Exception {
    // Logic to clean up the object when it goes back to the pool

The PooledObject is a wrapper around the objects managed by the pool.
It holds references to the actual object along with additional information such as its state and usage statistics.

Another way to create a connection factory is to extend BasePooledObjectFactory class and implement its methods to manage objects as shown below

public class ConnectionFactory extends 
             BasePooledObjectFactory<Connection> {
  public Connection create() {
    return new Connection();

  public PooledObject wrap(Connection conn) {
    return new DefaultPooledObject<>(conn);

Behind the scenes BasePooledObjectFactory also implements PooledObjectFactory interface.

In the above example, the ConnectionFactory class extends BasePooledObjectFactory, allowing you to define how objects are created and wrapped within the pool.

3. Initialize Pool

Next, initialize the object pool using your factory by creating an object of GenericObjectPool class and using connection factory as below

PooledObjectFactory factory = new MyObjectFactory();
ObjectPool objectPool = new GenericObjectPool<>(factory);

objectPool.setMinIdle(5); // Set minimum idle objects
objectPool.setMaxTotal(20); // Set maximum active objects
objectPool.setMaxIdle(10); // Set maximum idle objects

In this example, you define a factory for creating pooled objects, configure the object pool, and specify parameters like the minimum and maximum number of active objects.
Make sure to implement the necessary methods in your factory to handle the creation and destruction of objects properly.

In the above example, the ConnectionFactory class extends BasePooledObjectFactory, allowing you to define how objects are created and wrapped within the pool.

4. Using the pool

With your pool created, you can now borrow and return objects as needed.
The borrowObject() method is used to retrieve a connection, while the returnObject() method is for returning connection after it is used.

try {
  Connection conn = connectionPool.borrowObject();
  conn.connect(); // Use the connection

  // Perform operations with the connection...
  conn.disconnect(); // Release resources
  // Return the connection to the pool
} catch (Exception e) {
  // Handle exceptions appropriately

Remember to always return objects to the pool to avoid leaks and ensure others can use them.

Additionally, you might want to handle potential exceptions that can arise from borrowing or returning objects.
A NoSuchElementException may occur if no object is available when you attempt to borrow one.
Always include error handling in your implementation to maintain stability.

Following illustration summarizes the flow of Apache Commons Pool usage covered till now

Advanced Features and Techniques

Apache Commons Pool library provides advanced features and techniques that enhance its usability and performance in various scenarios.
Understanding these advanced features can help you leverage the library’s full potential for your projects.
Below are some of the advanced capabilities of Apache Commons Pool that you may find useful.

  1. Support for Multiple Pools
  2. Custom Eviction Policies
  3. Statistics and Monitoring
  4. Listener Mechanisms

1. Support for Multiple Pools

In scenarios where your application requires handling different types of resources, Apache Commons Pool allows you to manage multiple pools.
For instance, you can have dedicated pools for database connections, threads, and other resources, ensuring that each pool is optimized for its specific purpose.

ObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool<>();
// Configure your connection pool here

2. Custom Eviction Policies

Eviction means removing objects from pool.
The standard eviction policies may not always suit your application’s needs. Apache Commons Pool allows you to implement custom eviction strategies.
For instance, you might want to evict objects based on specific criteria, such as age or availability.
By extending EvictionPolicy class and overriding the evict() method, you can create a policy that fits your requirements perfectly.

public class CustomEvictionPolicy extends 
             EvictionPolicy {
  boolean evict(EvictionConfig config, 
                PooledObject<Connection> underTest, 
                int idleCount) {
    // Custom logic to determine if an object should be evicted
    return false;

If the evict() method returns true, the object will be removed from the pool.

3. Statistics and Monitoring

Apache Commons Pool library provides built-in statistics which enable you to monitor the state of the pool, including the number of active and idle objects.
You can retrieve these statistics to analyze your resource usage patterns and make informed decisions about scaling your resources.

System.out.println("Active: " + connectionPool.getNumActive());
System.out.println("Idle: " + connectionPool.getNumIdle());

4. Listener Mechanisms

You can create listeners that respond to events like object borrowing or returning, allowing you to implement logging, metrics collection, or any other custom logic.
It enables you to explore deeper into resource management without modifying the core functionality of the pool.

pool.addObjectPoolListener(new ObjectPoolListener() {
    public void onBorrowed(Object obj) {
        System.out.println("Object borrowed: " + obj);

Implementing Health Checks

There are scenarios where you want to periodically check if your connection objects are still working and ready to communicate with remote endpoint.

Instead of implementing a custom periodic health check with ObjectPool pool = new GenericObjectPool<>(new ConnectionFactory()); pool.setMinIdle(2); // Minimum number of idle connections pool.setMaxTotal(10); // Maximum number of connections // test idle objects pool.setTestWhileIdle(true); // health check interval to 3 mins pool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(300000);

Also, you need to validateObject() in your connection factory class as below

public class MyObjectFactory implements 
             PooledObjectFactory<Connection> {

  public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<Connection> pooledObject) {
    Connection c = pooledObject.get();
    // Validation logic
    return true; 

validateObject() is a callback method, which will be called automatically after the configured interval over all idle objects.
You can write your own health check mechanism as per requirement.
If this method returns false, the connection will be removed from the pool and based on the configured minimum idle objects, the pool will then add another object.


In this comprehensive tutorial on the Apache Commons Pool library, we learnt how to implement pool-based resource management effectively in your applications.
By understanding key concepts, configuration options, and practical usage through examples, you can utilize the power of object pooling to optimize performance and resource efficiency.