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Reverse a tuple in python

This article will explain 2 different methods of reversing a tuple in python.
Method 1: Using slicing
Slicing in python is used to extract elements from a collection such as a list, string or tuple. Slicing is performed using element indexes enclosed between square brackets.
Syntax of slicing a tuple is

tuple[start_index: stop_index: step_size]

where elements are extracted from start_index till stop_index at an interval of step_size.

If start_index is omitted, then it defaults to 0, end_index is omitted, it is considered as end of tuple and step_size is taken as 0, if omitted.

Python also supports negative slicing which means that elements can be extracted from right to left.
If we omit start_index and end_index while set the step_size as -1, then it extracts the elements from right to left and hence reverses the tuple. Example,

# define a tuple
t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# slice tuple
r = t[::-1]
print('Original tuple:', t)
print('Reversed tuple:', r)

which prints

Original tuple: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Reversed tuple: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

To know more about slicing, refer this article.
Method 2: Using reversed() function
Python’s inbuilt reversed() function accepts a tuple and returns a reverse iterator. This reverse iterator can be used to create a new tuple with elements in reverse direction as shown below.

#define a tuple
t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# create reverse iterator
reverse_iterator = reversed(t)
# create a new reversed tuple
r = tuple(reverse_iterator)
print('Original tuple:', t)
print('Reversed tuple:', r)

If you print the type of value returned by reversed() using type() function, then it will be

<class ‘reversed’>

which is an object of reversed class.
Hope the article was useful.

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