HashSet in java
A set in java represents an unordered collection which can contain only unique elements or the elements which are not duplicate.
A java set is represented by Set interface. HashSet
class implements this interface and hence all its methods.
A HashSet
does not maintain the order of insertion, elements are not retrieved in the same order in which they were inserted.
A HashSet
does not support inserting elements using indexes since a set is not ordered. Also, HashSet
does not provide any methods to retrieve values.
Below illustration depicts the position of
class in java collection frameworkA
can be created using any of its constructors and new
operator. Following are the different constructors in HashSet.
1. public HashSet()
Creates an empty HashSet
with a default capacity of 16.
// empty hashset implementation Set<String> setOne = new HashSet<>();
2. public HashSet(Collection)
Creates a HashSet and populates it with all the elements of the supplied collection. This collection may be a list or another set or any object that implements java.util.Collection
// hashset with collection List<String> list = List.of("A", "B"): Set<String> setFour = new HashSet<>(list);
3. public HashSet(int capacity, float load)
Creates a HashSet
with the supplied capacity and load factor.
- Capacity
stores elements in buckets. Capacity defines the number of buckets in aHashSet
. - Load factor
It is a measure of how full theHashSet
should become when its size should be increased.
When the number of buckets exceed the product of load factor and capacity, then its capacity is doubled(also called rehashing).
Default load factor forHashSet
is 0.75. This means that whenHashSet
becomes 75% full, it is rehashed.
// hashset with load factor and capacity Set<Double> setThree = new HashSet<>(25, 0.6);
4. public HashSet(int capacity)
Creates a HashSet
with the supplied capacity. Example,
// hashset with capacity of 25 Set<Integer> setTwo = new HashSet<>(25);
Java HashSet features
- Java
is an unordered collection. Elements do not maintain insertion order. - Elements of java
can not be inserted using index. - A java
does not provide any method to get or retrieve its elements. - Java
does not allow duplicate elements. - Java
elements. - A java
instance can be generic. This means that it can hold elements of a particular type.
This type may be an inbuilt java type such asString
etc., or user defined classes such as Person, Shape etc. HashSet
is not synchronized or not thread safe. This means that if multiple threads are operating on aHashSet
concurrently, then it should be externally synchronized.HashSet
internally stores values as keys in aHashMap
is built on a HashMap
. That is, it uses a HashMap
to store values internally.So, when a
is created, following is what happens internally map = new HashMap<>();
Elements of HashSet
are added as keys to this HashMap
When an element is added to a HashSet
, it calculates its hash code. To determine hash code, hashCode()
method is invoked.
method is defined in java.lang.Object
If the element overrides hashCode() in its class, then it is invoked, else hashCode()
of Object
will be called.
Hash code defines the position or bucket where the element is placed.
How HashSet checks for duplicates
It might happen that two different elements have the same hash code, which means, that they should be placed in the same bucket.
This is called hash collision.
In case of a hash collision, the element is compared with the existing element using their equals()
method. Again, equals()
method is defined in java.lang.Object
But, if the class of element overrides equals(), then it will be invoked.
If both the elements are same as per equals()
, existing element is replaced with the newer one.
If the elements are not same, then the new element is also placed at the same bucket location, with existing element pointing to the new element.
That is, existing element now contains a reference to the new element.
Now, if a third element with same hash code is added, then the same process is repeated. It replaces an existing element which is same as the new element as per equals()
or is added to the same bucket, if it is unique.
Same procedure is performed while removing an element from HashSet
Important HashSet methods
Following are commonly used methods of java.util.HashSet
1. add(E)
Adds the element supplied as argument to the set if it is not already present.
That is, there is no element in the set which is same as the argument element according to equals()
returns true
, if the element was added to the set and false
This method throws
, if the type of added element is incompatible with the type of set.IllegalArgumentException
if some property of the supplied argument does not allow adding it to the set.
2. addAll(Collection)
Adds all the elements of the supplied collection argument to the end of this set.
, if the type of added element is incompatible with the type of set.IllegalArgumentException
if some property of the supplied argument does not allow adding it to the set.
3. contains(Object)
Returns true
if any element of HashSet
matches the supplied argument element. Elements are compared and should match as per equals() method.
, if the type of added element is incompatible with the type of set.
4. clear()
Removes all elements from HashSet
5. isEmpty()
Returns true
if HashSet
does not contain any elements.
6. iterator()
Returns an iterator to loop over the elements of the set.
7. remove(E)
Removes the first element from the set which matches the supplied argument element. Elements are compared and should match as per equals()
, if the type of element removed is incompatible with the type of set.
8. removeAll(c)
It removes all the elements from HashSet
that are present in the collection supplied as argument. Argument collection may be a list, set or a type that implements Collections
Returns true
, if any element is removed from the set.
, if the type of element removed is incompatible with the type of set.
9. retainAll(c)
Retails all the elements in HashSet
that are present in the collection supplied as argument and removes all others.
This method can be considered as the opposite of removeAll()
Returns true
, if any element is removed from the set.
, if the type of added element is incompatible with the type of set.IllegalArgumentException
, if some property of the supplied argument does not allow adding it to the set.
10. toArray()
Converts HashSet
to a java array. Returns an Object array containing all the elements of the set.
Java HashSet example
Below is a code snippet that uses HashSet
class and shows the usage of its methods described above.
// create a hashset Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); System.out.println("HashSet empty? " + names.isEmpty()); // add elements names.add("Abc"); names.add("Def"); names.add("Ghi"); System.out.println("HashSet size: " + names.size()); // remove element names.remove("Abc"); System.out.println("HashSet size: " + names.size()); // remove non-existent element names.remove("Xyz"); System.out.println("HashSet size: " + names.size()); // check if set has value boolean contains = names.contains("Ghi"); System.out.println("HashSet contains name: " + contains); contains = names.contains("Xyz"); System.out.println("HashSet contains name: " + contains);
Below is the output
HashSet empty? true
HashSet size: 3
HashSet size: 2
HashSet size: 2
HashSet contains name: true
HashSet contains name: false
can be iterated 1. Using an iterator
has an iterator()
method which returns a java iterator.
This iterator can be used to loop through the HashSet
using its next()
and hasNext()
methods. Example,
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); // add elements names.add("Abc"); names.add("Def"); names.add("Ghi"); Iterator<String> iterator = names.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Next set element: " + iterator.next()); }
Output is
Next set element: Def
Next set element: Ghi
Next set element: Abc
Note that the order in which the elements are retrieved is different from the one in which the elements were added.
This shows that HashSet
is unordered.
2. Using java 8 forEach()
Java 8 introduced a forEach() method, which can be used to iterate through the elements of a HashSet
. Example,
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); // add elements names.add("Abc"); names.add("Def"); names.add("Ghi"); names.forEach( e -> System.out.println("Next set element: " + e );
Union of HashSets
Union means combining two sets.
has a method
which accepts another collection as argument and adds all the elements of this collection to it.
So, if we use addAll()
and pass another HashSet
as argument, then this set will contain the elements of both the sets. Example,
Set<String> setOne = new HashSet<>(); setOne.add("A"); setOne.add("C"); setOne.add("E"); Set<String> setTwo = new HashSet<>(); setTwo.add("B"); setTwo.add("D"); setTwo.add("F"); setTwo.addAll(setOne); System.out.println(setTwo.toString());
Output set is
If there are any duplicate elements in both the sets, then they will be overwritten so that the set contains only unique elements.
Intersection of HashSets
Intersection of two HashSet objects means determining the common elements between the two sets.
has a retainAll()
method which removes all the elements from the HashSet
on which it is called, that are not present in the argument collection.
So, if we supply a HashSet
as argument to retailAll()
, then the HashSet
calling this method will contain only the elements present in both the sets, or the intersection of sets. Example,
Set<String> setOne = new HashSet<>(); setOne.add("A"); setOne.add("C"); setOne.add("E"); setOne.add("F"); Set<String> setTwo = new HashSet<>(); setTwo.add("B"); setTwo.add("C"); setTwo.add("D"); setTwo.add("F"); setTwo.retainAll(setOne); System.out.println(setTwo);
Output is
These are the common elements of both the sets.
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