Algorithms form the backbone of efficient programming solutions. Whether you’re preparing for technical interviews or building scalable…
MiscellaneousA collection of 15 posts
Why do programmers have a sweet tooth for syntactic sugar? You’re about to find out. Syntactic sugar,…
POJO vs JavaBeans vs DTO vs VO In this article, we will understand the difference Between POJO,…
What are command line arguments Command line arguments are the values that are supplied to a shell…
Read user input in shell script Getting user input is important for creating interactive and dynamic shell…
Many times you need to check the time a file or folder was last modified to ensure…
Sometimes a program or an application stops responding or you are working on a terminal and want…
Often we need to find out a process or a service running on some port. This is…
Determining the size of a directory or its sub-directories is often required for the purpose of monitoring…