Substring means a portion of a string. Substring is extracted based on numeric indexes. This article will…

Javascript TasksA collection of 20 posts
JavaScript, a dynamic scripting language, empowers web development by adding interactivity and functionality. From manipulating HTML and handling events to creating responsive interfaces.
It is often required to check the type of a value before performing some operation. Example, it…
Reversing a string means creating a new string whose order of characters is the opposite. That is,…
Date comparison is a fundamental requirement for any application. Often when displaying data on a page, you…
What is ajax AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML and is used to fetch or send…
A javascript object is a collection of properties in key-value pairs. An empty object means an object…
If some property with a given key is accessed in the object and it is not present,…
A URL consists of a root and some parameters that carry some data. These parameters are in…
What is local storage Often you need to maintain a small amount of data for a web…