Inheritance is a feature of object-oriented programming that allows you to define a new class based on…

Java ConceptsA collection of 37 posts
What is final keyword final is a reserved word or a keyword in java. It can be…
Overview Java allows loading classes and creating their objects dynamically at runtime. Runtime means when the application…
Java Anonymous Classes A normal class in java is created with class keyword followed by its name.An…
Overview In this article, we will take a look at MessageFormat class is, its use with examples…
Java instanceof operator In this article, we will take a deep dive into java instanceof operator, its…
StringBuffer java java.lang.StringBuffer class represents a string or a sequence of characters. A StringBuffer is similar to…
Java Serialization This article will explore the concept of serialization in java, its use, advantages and how…
public vs private java Java has 4 access modifiers:1. public2. private3. protected4. default.In this article, we will…