@GetMapping Spring boot

This article will cover @GetMapping annotation in spring boot with example.

@GetMapping annotation was introduced in Spring 4.3. It is applied over controller methods that handle HTTP GET requests.

Prior to 4.3, @RequestMapping along with method attribute as RequestMethod.GET was used to configure GET request handler method as shown below

// before Spring 4.3
@RequestMapping(value="/users",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<User> getUsers() {

With @GetMapping, above method can be replaced as

public List<User> getUsers() {

@GetMapping is followed by the string which signifies the URL for which this method will be exposed.
So, @GetMapping is a shorthand annotation for @RequestMapping.

Spring docs state,

@GetMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET).

Enabling @GetMapping
@GetMapping is added in spring 4.3. So, in order to use it you need to have below dependency as per the build tool


implementation 'org.springframework:spring-webmvc:6.0.11'

or if you are using Spring boot, then add below dependency


implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:3.1.2'

@GetMapping annotation example
Suppose you have a web application that accepts HTTP requests. You want to expose a URL that returns a list of all users.
Since the method returns something, it will be an HTTP GET request handler method.
It will be declared as

public List<User> getUsers() {
  // return list of users

Now, suppose there is another method that returns details of a user based on an id and this id is received from the URL.
Request handler method will be annotated with @GetMapping as shown below

public User getUser(@PathVariable Integer id) { 
  // return detail of user

This method will be invoked when the URL being accessed is of the format user/1.
Note that the method parameter that receives the id, is annotated with @PathVariable annotation and {id} after the URL in @GetMapping denotes that this value will be received from the URL.
So, in this case the method parameter id will automatically be populated with 1.

Hope the article was useful.