In this article, we will learn about python string capitalize() method with examples.

Python string capitalize() method

Python string class has a capitalize() method which converts the first character of a string to capital.

Remember that this method capitalizes only the first letter of string. All other characters of the string remain as it is. Example,

str = 'codippa'
str_caps = str.capitalize()
print(str_caps) # prints Codippa


capitalize() is a method of string class and so it is called on a string object.

Its syntax is



Python string captialize() method does not take any parameters.

Return value

Python string capitalize() method returns a string whose first letter is capitalized.

Remember that capitalize() does not modify the string on which is is called. It creates a new string with first letter capitalized. Example,

str = 'codippa is website'
str_caps = str.capitalize()

Output is

codippa is website
Codippa is website

capitalize() converts letters to lowercase

Python string capitalize() method converts ONLY the first letter to upper case.
This means that even if a string contains upper case characters, then all those are also converted to lower case. Example,

str = 'codippa is WEBSITE'
str_caps = str.capitalize()

Look at the output

Codippa is website

First letter number

As stated earlier, capitalize() converts first character of a string to upper case.

But what if the first character is a number.

In that case, the string remains as it is. Example,

str = '1 codippa'
str_caps = str.capitalize()

Output will be

1 codippa

If the string has upper case characters after the first letter, then they will be converted to lower case.

Hope the article was useful.