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Find square of number in python

Python square number

Square of a number means number multiplied by itself. Example, 4 is the square of 2, 25 is the square of 5, 10000 is square of 100 etc.
In this article, we will understand how to find square of a number in python in different ways with example programs.
Method 1: Using exponent operator
Python exponent operator is used to raise a number to the power of another number. Its symbol is ** and syntax is

a ** b

which results in ab or a raised to power of b.

Square of a number is 2 raised to the power of that number. This means that square of 5 is 52, square of 25 is 252 etc.

Thus, using exponent operator, we can find square of a number as follows

num = int(input('Enter a number: '))
square = num ** 2
print('Square of', num,' is',square)

Output of this program is

Enter a number: 35
Square of 35 is 1225

Method 2: Multiplication by self
Square of a number is the number multiplied by itself. Python program to find square of a number for this method is given below

num = int(input('Enter a number: '))
square = num *   num
print('Square of', num,'is',square)

Output is

Enter a number: 27
Square of 27 is 729

Method 3: Using math.pow()
Python math module has a pow() function which takes two arguments. First is the number and seconds the power to which the number will be raised.
To find square of a number, we should supply number as the first argument and 2 as the second argument, since square of a number is, number raised to power 2. Example,

import math

num = int(input('Enter a number:'))
square = math.pow(num,2)
print('Square of', num,'is',square)

pow() returns the result as a float value. Output of above program is

Enter a number: 98
Square of 98 is 9604.0

Find square of list of numbers
Square of list means square of each element of a list. There are two ways to find square of a python list.

1. Iterate over the list using a loop. Find square of each element using any of the methods explained till now and add the result to a new list. Example,

# define a list of squares
for x in l:

which prints


2. Use list comprehension
Python list comprehension also involves looping through the list but it has a more cleaner and concise syntax as shown below.

# list comprehension
squares=[ x**2 for x in l ]

Output is the same.
That is all on different methods to find square of a number in python. Hope the article was useful.

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