Java main method

Anyone who is familiar with java must be knowing main() method. Whenever a class is executed using java command(or through an IDE), main() method is called first.

In other words, main() method is the entry point of a class or an application having multiple classes.

This post focuses on the detailed explanation of signature of this method and it will also answer some of the most commonly framed interview questions on public static void main.

Syntax of main method

Signature of main method is public static void main(String[] args). It consists of 4 keywords where

  1. public is the access specifier,
  2. static is an access modifier,
  3. void is the return type and
  4. main is the name of method.

All of these keywords of main() method are explained in detail below.


This keyword makes main() method exposed to outside this class.
Since this method is always called from outside a class, it should be declared as
public else it will not be visible external to the class.

If main() method is preceded with any other access specifier(private or protected), then it would not be visible to JVM and an error will be thrown.

public class MainNotPublic {
   // main method has protected access
   protected static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.print("Main is protected");


Above class declares main() method as protected and gets the following message when executed.


Error: Main method not found in class MainNotPublic , please define the main method as:
public static void main(String[] args)
or a JavaFX application class must extend javafx.application.Application

This is a common interview question based on main() method
“Why main is public in java”


Applying static keyword to a field or method binds it to the class.
This means that in order to access a static field or method, instance of the class is not required and it can be directly accessed using class name.
Also, there is only one copy of a static field or method and it is shared by all instances of the class.
When a class is executed, there is no instance of it. Hence, in order to call a method without an instance, it should be marked as static.

This is also an answer to an important interview question
“why main method is static in java”.

What should happen when main() is not declared static as in the class below

public class MainNotStatic {
   // main method is non-static
   public void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.print("Main is not static");


You are right, an error is received when this class is executed.

Error: Main method is not static in class MainNotStatic, please define the main method as:
public static void main(String[] args)


Return type of a method indicating that the method does not return any value.
In java, main() method does not return any value, hence it should be preceded with void.
If the main() method is given any other return type, then an Error will be thrown at execution time.
Suppose a class has following main() method.

public class MainWithReturn {
   // main method returning an integer  
   public static int main(String[] args) {
      return 0;

This class compiles fine but when executed shows the following.

Error: Main method must return a value of type void in class MainWithReturn, please
define the main method as:
public static void main(String[] args)

All the above errors will only be shown when a class is executed from command line using java command.
When executing from an IDE such as eclipse, you will not see an option to run the class as a Java program.

String[] args

main() method in java accepts an array of String arguments.
This array argument is used for holding parameters sent to the class.
Any command line parameters supplied while executing a class are automatically populated in this array. There is no limit to the length of this array.
This also means that you can pass any number of arguments while running a java program. Example,
If a class is executed as java MyClass John 20 Student
then the array argument of main() method of MyClass will have below elements

args[0] = John
args[1] = 20
args[2] = Student

Can I create a method with name main in a class ?

Off course you can create a method which has name as main but it will be considered as an overloaded method and will be treated as just like any other method which has its name as main().

Look at the below example,

public class SecureImp{
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Entry method of class");
      // create an object of this class
      SecureImp obj = new SecureImp();
      // call method 
   * Another method with name as main 
   public void main(String args) {
      System.out.println("Another main method");

Above class contains two method with same name but with different argument types.

When the class is executed, main() method runs which creates an object of this class and calls another method which also has name as main.
Output is :

Entry method of class
Another main method

Note that if argument count and types of both methods will be same, then the class will not compile.

Let’s tweak in

  1. String[] args can also be written as String args[].
  2. It is not necessary to name the argument String array to args. It can be any name as per java variable naming rules.
  3. public and static are interchangeable. This means that main method can also be declared as static public void main(String[] a).
  4. Any parameters passed to a class are automatically populated in the String array parameter of the main() method.

Hope this post was helpful to you.

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