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Java Enum Constructors

Enums are a powerful and versatile tool in java programming, allowing you to represent a fixed set of constants.
Understanding how to use java enum constructors is crucial for creating robust and maintainable code.

In this guide, we will explore the syntax and usage of enum constructors, and provide you with practical examples to illustrate their implementation.
By the end of this article, you will have a clear grasp of how to effectively utilize enum constructors in your Java projects.

Types of Java Enum Constructors

The Constructors in Java Enum are used to define values for each enum constant.
There are two types of Enum Constructors-

Default Constructor, and
Parameterized Constructor.

Default Constructor

A default constructor is provided for enums by default in java.
It is used to create enum constants without any parameters. This constructor is automatically called when an enum constant is declared without any arguments.

public enum Weekdays {

This default constructor is used when no arguments are specified while creating the enum constant.

Default constructor for enums is private and cannot be instantiated from outside theenum

Parameterized Constructor

An enum constructor can also take parameters to initialize specific attributes of each enum constant.
This allows for more control over the values of the constants when they are created.

public enum Direction {

  private String shortCode;

  Direction(String code){
    this.shortCode = code;

  public String getShortCode(){
    return this.shortCode;

Plus, this constructor can have additional methods to get the values assigned to the enum constants.

Defining Enums with Constructors

Defining enums with constructors allows us to initialize each enum constant with specific values.
To do this, simply add a constructor to the enum type and provide the necessary parameters.
The constructor will be invoked when each enum constant is declared.

public enum Day {

  private int value;

  Day(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public int getValue() {
    return value;

Adding Parameters and Methods

Implementing parameters and methods in enum constructors allows for greater flexibility and functionality.
By adding parameters and methods, we can customize the behavior of each enum constant and perform actions based on the specific values of the constants.

public enum Direction {
  NORTH(0, "N"),
  EAST(90, "E"),
  SOUTH(180, "S"),
  WEST(270, "W");

  private int angle;
  private String abbreviation;

  Direction(int angle, String abbreviation) {
    this.angle = angle;
    this.abbreviation = abbreviation;

  public int getAngle() {
    return angle;

  public String getAbbreviation() {
    return abbreviation;

Plus, by adding parameters and methods, we can create more versatile and powerful enum types that can be used in a variety of scenarios.

Tips and Factors to Consider When Using Enum Constructors

Despite the convenience and power of enum constructors, there are certain tips and factors to consider when using them to ensure effective and efficient utilization.
Here are some important considerations to keep in mind when working with enum constructors:

Access Modifiers and Enum Constructors

On the topic of access modifiers and enum constructors, it is important to consider the visibility of the constructor for enum constants.
By default, enum constructors are private, restricting the instantiation of enum instances outside the enum class. However, this can be modified based on specific requirements.

public enum Product {
  private Product() {
    // Constructor logic

Advantages of Enum Constructors

For applications requiring the initialization of enum constants with specific values, enum constructors provide a clear and concise way to achieve this.
By passing parameters to the constructor, each enum constant can be associated with custom data, enhancing the flexibility and utility of the enum.

public enum Direction {

  private final int degrees;

  Direction(int degrees) {
    this.degrees = degrees;

  public int getDegrees() {
    return degrees;


Hence, in conclusion, the use of Java enum constructors provides a powerful tool for creating a predefined set of constant values.
By defining a constructor within an enum, you can customize the behavior and attributes of each constant, making your code more flexible and maintainable.
This enables you to create more robust and modular code, as well as ensuring that your enum values are always created and used in a consistent manner.
By following the examples and principles outlined in this article, you can leverage the full potential of Java enum constructors and improve the quality and efficiency of your code.

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