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How to load property file in java / How to load property file inside a package in java / Various methods to load a property file in java

A typical java application uses some values which are not suitable to be given in code such as log generation path, output location, configuration file path, timeout values etc. Since these values vary from system to system and user to user, their values can not be pre-fixed. One user may want his logs to be generated in “myLogs” folder, another user may want the logs to be generated in “appLogs” folder. If given in code, they cannot be changed without developer intervention. Further, this change would require a re-build of code.

Therefore, it is recommended to externalize these values and provide them in the form of properties or key-value pairs where the key is the string used in the code and is fixed while its value can be varied and set by the user. This value shall be used by our application to perform its normal operation, thus, making it configurable and user-friendly.

All the properties or the configuration to be externalized are collected in a properties file and is loaded at application startup. The properties file is generally a file with a .properties extension. It is not mandatory but a good practice so that property files may be recognized easily.

There are various ways to load a properties file in java. We shall discuss them one by one. The properties file used in the sample examples is named as and contains the following two properties:

name= coDippa
type= website

Method 1 : Load Using a physical file path

      static void loadPropertiesFromFileSystem() throws IOException {
                String filePath = "C:\\";
		InputStream input = null;
		// initialize properties object which will hold properties
		Properties prop = new Properties();
                try {
			// create an input stream pointing to the properties file
			input = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath));
			// load properties from input stream into properties object
                        // will print coDippa at the console
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		} finally {
			if (input != null) {

Details : The above code simply creates a to a file denoted by its absolute file path and passes this stream to a java.util.Properties object which reads the file and loads it into the properties object. Property value may then be retrieved from Properties object using its getProperty(propertyName) method.
File path may also be relative. For example, if the file is in a folder named “conf” inside your project, then file path may be given as “conf/”.

Method 2 : Load From a File On Classpath

	static void loadClassPathProperties() throws IOException {
                String filePath = "";
		InputStream in = null;
		Properties prop = new Properties();
		try {
			// create an input stream pointing to the properties file
                        // PropertyLoader is the name of class which contains this method
			in = PropertyLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(filePath);
			// load properties from input stream into properties object
		} catch (IOException e) {
		} finally {
			if (in != null)

Details : Another way to load properties is using getResourceAsStream() method of java.lang.Class class. This method searches for the resource according to the following order:

  1. If the path begins with a ‘/’, then the absolute path to the resource is used. For example, if the properties file resides in the package and the class in which we are loading the properties file is in the package com.codippa.loader then in order to load this file we need to provide file path as getResourceAsStream("/com/codipaa/properties/").
  2. If the path does not begin with a ‘/’, then it is considered as a path relative to the package of the java file in which you are loading the property file. For example, if your java class is in the package com.codippa.loader and the properties file is in the package com.codippa.loader.props, then the path will be given as getResourceAsStream("props/") which is relative to the package of java file.

Method 3 : Load From a File Using ClassLoader

	static void loadPropertiesFromPackage() throws IOException {
                String filePath = "";
		InputStream in = null;
		Properties prop = new Properties();
		try {
			// create an input stream pointing to the properties file
                        // PropertyLoader is the name of class which contains this method 
			in = PropertyLoader.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filePath);
			// load properties from input stream into properties object
		} catch (IOException e) {
		} finally {
			if (in != null)

Details : A third way to load properties is using getResourceAsStream() method of java.lang.ClassLoader class. This method takes the path of the file (or resource) to be loaded. This method considers all paths as absolute. That is, if you provide only the name of file, it will search the file inside project folders such as conf, src. If the file is in a package such as com.codippa then the path of the file given to this method should be getResourceAsStream("com/codippa/"). Please note that the path given to this method should NOT begin with ‘/’ as the path is considered as implicitly absolute.

Quick Reference of Both the Methods

Below table lists various scenarios related to the location of property file and the value passed to each of the method so that the file may be read successfully. Assume that the class which loads the property file is in the package com.codippa.loader.

Property File Location class.getResourceAsStream Syntax ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream Syntax
Inside package Class.getResourceAsStream(“/com/codippa/properties/”)
Notice the leading ‘/’
Inside package com.codippa.loader(same as the package of java file) Class.getResourceAsStream(“”)
Only file name is required since both are in same package
Inside package com.codippa.loader.props(sub-package of the loader class) Class.getResourceAsStream(“props/”) Classloader.getResourceAsStream(“com/codippa/loader/props/“)

Note : If the file is in a project folder such as conf/, then it is recommended to use with the path of the file as conf/ (that is, Method 1 described above) to load the properties.
Let’s tweak in :

  1. A property file may contain any number of properties.
  2. The property values may comprise of multiple words as well. For example, it is valid to have a property like:
    description= Is a website.
  3. Constructor of throws a which needs to be thrown or caught.
  4. A property file may also be loaded into System properties instead of a java.util.Properties object using the following piece of code:
  5. java.util.Properties is a sub-class of java.util.Hashtable and hence utilizes a hash table to hold properties and their values.
  6. If more than one property is present in the file with the same name then the property occurring later in the file will overwrite the previous one.
  7. Please note that properties separated by a new line character only are considered as separate properties in the properties file.
  8. If you want to load a properties file residing inside a java package, then choose from between Method 1 or 2.

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