A bit on Annotation
An annotation serves as meta data for a class. Annotation serves as compile time check for the compiler as well as run time instruction for execution environments.
Compile time: @Override annotation over a method informs the compiler that this method is overridden, hence should be present in the super class or implemented interface. If it is not, then error is raise.
Execution/Run time: @Autowired annotation over a field instructs the Spring container to inject a bean from its Application context into this field.
Creating an Annotation is a simple process
1. Create an interface with the name of your desired annotation as:
/* Target defines the elements on which this annotation may be applied such as a field,
* method, class, constructor etc. If applied on an element other than the defined type a compiler
* error will be raised*/
/* Defines the visibility of this annotation. Possible values are
public @interface MyAnnotation{
String annotationVal();
2. Define this annotation over a method using @ symbol as:
/* If there is a field in the annotation, then you need to provide a value to
* that field else this will be a compiler error */
public void annotatedMethod(){
Let’s tweak in
- @Target and @Retention are themselves annotations.
attribute of @Target annotation specifies the location at which created annotation may be applied. For example an annotation annotated with@Target(ElementType.FIELD)
may ONLY be applied to instance variables.- If no @Target is specified for an annotation then it may be applied anywhere.
- An annotation with
other than RUNTIME is not visible at execution time. - A default value may also be supplied for an annotation during its creation as:
String annotationVal() default “custom”
. - If a default value is supplied, then there is no need to specify value while using annotation. Thus if a default value has been supplied, then we may also use annotation as:
@MyAnnotation public void annotatedMethod(){}