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How to convert tuple to string in python

This article will explain 3 different ways to convert a python tuple to string with example programs and explanation.
Method 1: Using join() method
Python string class has a join() method which accepts an iterable as argument and returns a string which is a combination of items of the iterable.
An iterable is anything than can be iterated or loop over such as a list, string or tuple. Example,

# create a tuple
t = ('1','2','3','4','5')
# convert to string
s = ''.join(t)
print('Tuple elements to string:',s)

which prints

Tuple elements to string: 12345

join() method iterates over the tuple and combines them using the string on which it is called as a separator.
If you want the elements to be separated by some other separator, then invoke join() using the separator as the string.
Thus, below statement will combine tuple elements with a dot in between

Method 2: Using functools
Python functools module has a reduce() function which accepts a sequence and a function as arguments and applies the function to the elements of the sequence and returns a single value.
Thus, if we supply a function that accepts two parameters and returns the sum of these parameters as argument to reduce(), then we may combine the tuple elements into a single string as shown below.
import  functools

# function to add two values
def add(v1, v2):
   return v1 + v2
t = ('1','2','3','4','5')

s = functools.reduce(add, t)
print('Tuple elements to string:', s)

Above code defines a function that adds two values and returns their sum. This function is supplied as the first argument to reduce().

Argument function to reduce() can also be supplied as a lambda function as shown below.

s = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, t)

With above code, you do not need to define a separate function to add elements.

Python’s operator module’s add() function can also be supplied to reduce().
operator module contains functions which are equivalent of mathematical operations and its add() function signifies the addition operation.
Thus, reduce() may also be written as

import operator

s = functools.reduce(operator.add, t)

Method 3: Iterating a tuple
This is a fundamental approach where you iterate over a tuple and in every iteration add the current tuple element to a string. Example,

# define a tuple
t = ('1','2','3','4','5')

# define an empty string
s = ''
for e in t:
   # add tuple element
   s += e
print('Tuple elements to string:', s)

This prints

Tuple elements to string: 12345

You may use any of the different methods to iterate the tuple.
Hope the article was useful.

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