In this article, we will take a look at 4 different methods to convert string to list of characters in java with examples.

1. Java 8 streams

A new method chars() was added in String class in java 9.
chars() returns a stream of characters in integer format.

We can then use stream’s mapToObj() method and convert each integer to corresponding character.
mapToObj() returns another stream which can be converted to a list using its toList() method. Example,

String s = "codippa";
List<Character> list = s.chars().
                       mapToObj(c -> (char)c).

This will print

[c, o, d, i, p, p, a]

mapToObj() is defined in Stream interface and is a default interface method.

2. toCharArray()

toCharArray() method is defined in string class and it returns the characters contained in a string as an array.

This array can then be converted to a list by iterating using an enhanced for loop.

In every iteration, add the current loop element to a list as shown below

String s = "codippa";
char[] array = s.toCharArray();
List<Character> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (char c : array) {

3. Java 9 codePoints()

This method is similar to the first method.

Instead of chars(), we use codePoints() method added in String class in java 9.

codePoints() returns a stream of integers corresponding to the characters of string. Example,

String s = "codippa";
List<Character> list = s.codePoints().
                       mapToObj(c -> (char)c).

4. Guava Lists class

Lists class in google guava library has a charactersOf() method.

It accepts a string argument and returns a list with its characters. Example,

String s = "codippa";
List<Character> list = Lists.charactersOf(s);

That is all for this article on how to convert string to list of characters in java.
Hope it was useful.