This article is a comprehensive guide on how to effectively use @Bean annotation in Spring Boot.
This annotation allows you to declare a bean explicitly in a configuration class, providing full control over the instantiation and configuration of the bean.

Defining a Simple @Bean Method

Spring @Bean annotation is used to indicate that a method definition serves as a bean definition.
This method creates and returns an instance of the bean that will be managed by the Spring container.
Below is an example of a simple @Bean method that creates an instance of a ProductRepository.

public ProductRepository productRepository() {
    return new ProductRepository();

Using @Bean annotation in this way allows you to create and configure beans that are not instantiated by Spring automatically, providing flexibility in the management of your application’s components.

Creating a Basic Configuration Class

@Bean annotated methods are generally written inside a configuration class, which serves as the source of spring managed beans.

A configuration class is simply Java class annotated with @Configuration annotation. This tells Spring that this class will be used to define beans and their dependencies.

Below is an example of a configuration class that contains bean definitions for UserService and ProductService classes.

public class MyAppConfig {

    public UserService userService() {
        return new UserService();

    public ProductService productService() {
        return new ProductService();

Managing Bean Lifecycle and Scope

You can control the instantiation, initialization, and destruction of beans, as well as define their scope.
This allows you to manage the lifecycle and scope of your beans with precision.

You can control the scope of a bean by using @Scope annotation along with @Bean as shown below

public class MyAppConfig {

  public UserService userService() {
    return new UserService();

  public ProductService productService() {
    return new ProductService();

And lifecycle of a bean can be managed with initMethod and destroyMethod attributed of @Bean as below

@Bean(initMethod = "initialize")
public MyBean myBean() {
    return new MyBean();

where initialize method is defined inside MyBean as below.

public class MyBean {
    public void initialize() {
        // Initialization logic here

If initMethod attribute is used, the method defined assigned to it is automatically called before bean is created.

Similar to initMethod, we can define a method to be called before the bean is destroyed or removed from Spring context as shown below

@Bean(destroyMethod = "cleanUp")
public MyBean myBean() {
   return new MyBean();

Advanced Configuration with @Bean Methods

Methods annotated with @Bean can also accept parameters and perform advanced configuration based on those parameters.
This allows for dynamic instantiation and configuration of beans based on specific conditions or requirements.
Below is an example of an advanced @Bean method that takes in a Person object and configures a PersonService bean accordingly:

public PersonService personService(Person person) {
    return new PersonService(person);

By utilizing advanced @Bean methods, you can tailor the configuration and instantiation of beans to fit the specific needs and dependencies of your application, providing a high level of customization and control.

Bean Naming Strategies

By default, the name of a bean registered using the @Bean annotation is derived from the method name.
If no explicit name for the bean is specified, the method name will be used as the bean’s name within the application context.

For example, the bean name in below code will be userRepository.

public UserRepository userRepository() {
   return new UserRepository();

You can customize the name with which you want the bean to be created using its name attribute. Example,

public UserRepository userRepository() {
   return new UserRepository();

Lazy Initialization vs. Eager Initialization

With lazy initialization, the bean will only be created when it is requested, which can improve application startup time and memory usage.
On the other hand, eager initialization creates the bean as soon as the application context is loaded, which may be preferable for essential beans that need to be available immediately.
Consider the specific requirements and dependencies of your application when deciding between lazy and eager initialization to ensure optimal performance and resource management.

public DataSource dataSource() {
   return new DataSource();

Tips for Effective Bean Management

Your bean management in Spring Boot can be made more effective by following these tips:

  • Use the @Bean annotation for creating beans when the bean instantiation logic is not supported by the @Component model.
  • Avoid creating beans that are already managed by Spring, such as beans for commonly used classes like RestTemplate or JdbcTemplate.
  • Consider using @Conditional annotation to conditionally create beans based on certain criteria.

This will help you keep your bean management organized and efficient.

Advantages of @Bean Annotation

Annotation processing in Spring allows for explicit and flexible bean definition.
By using the @Bean annotation, developers have the ability to define custom bean instantiation and configuration, resulting in code reusability and the flexibility to inject dependencies without relying solely on component scanning.

public class AppConfig {
    public UserService userService() {
        return new UserService();

Additionally, @Bean annotation provides the capability to declare non-component classes as beans, expanding the developer’s toolkit for managing objects within the Spring context.


@Bean annotation in Spring Boot provides a powerful way to customize and configure beans in your application context.

Through examples such as creating custom configuration classes, utilizing conditional bean configuration, and using the @Lazy annotation, we have explored the versatility and usefulness of the @Bean annotation.
By leveraging the @Bean annotation, developers can confidently and efficiently manage their bean creation and customization, ultimately improving the overall flexibility and functionality of their Spring Boot applications.

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