As you continue to develop your skills in Java, you’re likely looking for ways to make your code more efficient and easier to read.

One feature that can help you achieve this is the var keyword, introduced in Java 11.

With var, you can simplify your variable declarations and let the compiler infer the data type, reducing clutter and making your code more concise.

In this guide, you’ll explore the benefits and limitations of using var, learn how to apply it in different scenarios, and discover best practices for integrating it into your coding workflow.

Understanding Var Types

A key aspect of working with the var keyword is understanding the types it can represent.

You’ll be happy to know that var can be used with a wide range of types, including primitive types, reference types, and even null.

Here’s a breakdown of the types that var can represent:

Primitive Types

int, double, boolean, etc.

Reference Types

String, List, Map, etc. Array Types int[], String[], etc. null null (representing the absence of any object value)

The type of var is inferred by the compiler based on the assigned value.

There’s no need to explicitly specify the type when declaring a variable with var, as the compiler will automatically infer the type from the assigned value.

Type Inference: Let Java Do the Work

There’s no need to worry about specifying the type when using var, as Java’s type inference will take care of it for you.

This feature allows you to focus on the logic of your code rather than the declaration syntax.

Implicit vs. Explicit Typing

To take advantage of var, you need to understand the difference between implicit and explicit typing.

Using var implies that you trust the compiler to infer the correct type, whereas explicit typing requires you to specify the type explicitly.

With implicit typing, the compiler infers the type based on the assigned value, whereas with explicit typing, you specify the type explicitly.
For example,

var myString = "Hello";

uses implicit typing, whereas

String myString = "Hello";

uses explicit typing.

In general, implicit typing is more concise, but explicit typing can be more readable in certain situations.

Understanding the Scope of Var

There’s an important distinction to make when it comes to the scope of var:

It can only be used for local variables, not for instance variables or method parameters.

This limitation ensures that the type of var is always clearly defined and avoids potential ambiguity.

Typing var is limited to local variables, which means you can’t use it for instance variables or method parameters.

This restriction helps prevent potential issues with type ambiguity and ensures that the type of var is always clear.

By following this rule, you can ensure that your code remains readable and maintainable.

Var Keyword Tips and Tricks

Now that you’ve explored the basics of the var keyword, it’s time to dive deeper into some tips and tricks to help you make the most of this feature.

  • Avoid using var for variables with unclear or complex types, as it can lead to confusion.
  • Use var consistently throughout your code to maintain readability.
  • Take advantage of var to reduce boilerplate code and improve code conciseness.

Declaring Local Variables with Ease

The var keyword makes it easy to declare local variables without explicitly specifying their types. For example:

var myList = new ArrayList();

This simplifies your code and reduces the amount of typing required.

Enhancing Readability with var

Enhancing code readability is one of the primary benefits of the var keyword.

By using var, you can focus on the logic of your code rather than the type declarations.

Using var judiciously can greatly improve code readability.

Readability is key to maintaining and understanding code over time.
With var, you can write more concise code that is easier to comprehend.

Using var with Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces

If you’re working with lambda expressions and functional interfaces, var can be extremely useful.
For example:

var myPredicate = (String s) -> s.length() > 5;

This code is more concise and easier to read than the equivalent code without var.

Using var with lambda expressions can greatly simplify your code.

A major advantage of using var with lambda expressions is that it allows you to focus on the logic of the expression rather than the type declarations.

var in Method Signatures

If you’re considering using var in method signatures, make sure to use it judiciously.
For example:

public void myMethod(var myList) {... }

This code is not recommended, as it can lead to confusion about the type of myList.

Avoid using var in method signatures unless absolutely necessary.

Ease of use is important, but it’s equally important to maintain code clarity and avoid ambiguity.

Factors to Consider When Using var

Many developers are excited to adopt the var keyword in their Java projects, but it’s important to consider the implications of this new syntax on your codebase.

  • Performance implications:
    Will var affect the compilation or runtime of your application?
  • Potential optimizations:
    Can var help improve the efficiency of your code?
  • Integration with IDEs and tools:
    How will var impact your development workflow?

Knowing these factors will help you make informed decisions about when to use var and ensure a smooth transition to this new syntax.

A. Performance Implications: Compile-Time vs. Runtime

Rather than introducing runtime overhead, the var keyword is resolved at compile-time, which means it doesn’t impact the performance of your application.

B. Potential Optimizations with Var

Now that you can declare variables with less boilerplate code, you may notice improvements in code readability and maintainability, leading to potential optimizations in development time and resource allocation.

Another benefit of var is that it encourages developers to write more concise code, which can lead to fewer lines of code and reduced complexity, ultimately resulting in improved performance.

C. Integrating var with IDEs and Tools

Assuming your IDE and tools are updated to support Java 11 or later, you can take advantage of features like code completion, debugging, and code analysis with var-declared variables.

Pros and Cons of Var

For developers, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of using the var keyword is important to use it effectively.


  1. Code conciseness and readability
  2. Reduced verbosity
  3. Faster development and prototyping
  4. Improved code maintainability
  5. Enhanced expressiveness
  6. Better support for functional programming
  7. Alignment with modern programming languages
  8. Increased productivity
  9. Improved code quality


  1. Potential loss of code clarity
  2. Ambiguity in complex expressions
  3. Over-reliance on IDEs for type inference
  4. Difficulty in debugging type-related issues
  5. Inconsistent coding style
  6. Limited use in certain scenarios (e.g., method signatures)
  7. Steep learning curve for beginners
  8. Potential for abuse or misuse
  9. Dependence on Java 11 or later versions

Summing up

In this article, we explored Java’s var keyword and saw how it simplifies variable declarations, making your code more concise and readable.

By leveraging type inference, you can focus on the logic of your code rather than explicit type definitions.

With best practices and guidelines in mind, you can effectively integrate var into your coding routine, striking a balance between brevity and clarity.

By embracing this modern Java feature, you’re taking a step towards more efficient and maintainable code.