A string is said to be Palindrome which when reversed is the same as original string. In other words, when a string and its reversed form are same, the string is called a Palindrome string. Example, “radar”, “rececar”, “madam”, “refer” are all palindrome strings. There are many ways to check for a Palindrome string in java. This post will focus on testing for Palindrome string using a java.util.Stack. A stack is a data structure which holds its elements in Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. Element added to the top of the stack is retrieved first from it and element added first is retrieved last.Read More →

Suppose you want to divide a number a by another number b in java, you will use a / b. So simple, isn’t it. But what if you are required to determine the result by using only minus(-) operator, that is, without using division (/) operator.Read More →